First Light Chapel Communion – 8:15 am
Sanctuary – 8:55 and 11:00 am*
Participants will be waving palm branches as they enter the service.
The Bridge – 8:55 am
Easter Egg Hunt – 4:00 pm
4:00 pm – Toddlers – 3-year-olds hunt eggs in Walton Garden
4:20 pm – 4P-1st graders hunt eggs on the playground
4:40 pm – 2nd-4th graders will hunt eggs on the lawn between the
Fellowship Hall and the Chapel.
Food and Fellowship – 4:45-5:15 p.m.
Hamburgers and hotdogs will be served in the Fellowship Hall parking area.
Donations will go to the UMCOR Ukrainian outreach.
(Please bring folding chairs and blankets.)
Cross Raising with Promise – 5:00 pm
A cross will be raised on the front lawn, and our praise band Promise will provide worship music.
(Please bring folding chairs and blankets.)