Palm Sunday/Family Sunday, April 2
First Light Chapel Communion – Chapel – 8 am
Traditional Worship – Sanctuary – 8:30 and 11: am*
Palm Processional for both services
The Bridge Contemporary Worship – Fellowship Hall – 8:55 am*
Palm Processional
Palm Sunday Reenactment – Front Lawn – 10 am
*Nursery provided.
Afternoon events:
Easter Egg Hunt – 4:00 pm
4 pm – Toddlers – 3-year-olds hunt eggs in Walton Garden
4:20 pm – 4P-1st Graders hunt eggs on the playground
4:40 pm – 2nd-4th Graders will hunt eggs on the lawn between the
Fellowship Hall and the Chapel.
Cross Raising – Front Lawn – 4:45 – 5:15 pm
The Promise Band
Hamburgers, Hot Dogs
Bring folding chairs, blankets
A cross will be raised on the front lawn, and our praise band Promise will provide worship music
Maundy Thursday, April 6
Maundy Thursday Worship – Fellowship Hall – 6 pm*
Begin with Communion at the Lord’s Table, and end with prayer in the Garden.
*Nursery provided.
Good Friday Tenebrae, April 7
“Tenebrae” which means darkness, is an ancient Christian service that makes use of diminishing light and the extinguishing of candles.
Good Friday Tenebrae Service – 6 pm* – Sanctuary
Child-Friendly Tenebrae Service – 6 pm – The Chapel (4p-4th grade)
Stations of the Cross – Following Service (led by FUMC Youth)
*Nursery provided
Easter Sunday, April 9
First Light Chapel Communion – Chapel – 8 am
Traditional Worship – Sanctuary – 8:30 and 11 am*
The Bridge Contemporary Worship – Fellowship Hall – 8:55 am*
J.A.M Time available for 8:55 service only.
“Flower the Cross”
Before or after the service you attend, we invite you to visit Walton Garden as we “Flower the Cross”. Come and add wildflowers, purchased flowers or flowers from your garden, and transform the cross into a glorious symbol, signifying new life in Jesus Christ. You are welcome to take Easter photos of yourself or your families here as well.
*Nursery provided.
Order White Hydrangeas for Easter Sunday, by April 2
Easter is a special day in the liturgical year of the Christian Church. We decorate the sanctuary and Fellowship Hall each year with beautiful flowers for our Easter Sunday worship services. Donations can be made to the church to purchase white hydrangeas in honor or in memory of someone. A list of donors will be published in the bulletin and in the newsletter for all contributions made by April 2.
Lenten Lunch, April 5
Suggested donation: $8
Our special guest speaker is Rev. Delvick J. McKay
Menu: Baked or Fried Chicken, Broccoli Casserole, Field Peas, Coleslaw and a Traditional Salad Bar